Prema Ishq Kaadhal is a 2013 Telugu romantic-comedy film directed by Pavan Sadineni. The film was produced by Bekkam Venugopal of Lucky Media. The cinematography was handled by Karthik Gattamneni, who is famous for cinematography and direction of short films from the studio Pondfreaks Entertainment. Actors Harshavardhan, Vishnu and Harish, and three girls, Vithika, Srimukhi and Ritu Varma, play three romantic pairs.
Harshvardhan Rane as Randhir (Randy)
Vishnu Vardhan as Royal Raju
Harish Varma as Arjun
Vithika Sheru as Sarayu
Ritu Varma as Sameera
Sree Mukhi as Shanti
Edward Stevenson Pereji
The film was in pre-production stage from January 2012 to March 2013, where director and producer were keen in developing the narrative of the motion picture. During the pre-production time, the director Pavan Sadineni has also has directed a short film Bewars, in which Karthik Gattamneni was the cinematographer, and Vishnu Vardhan played the protagonist. Vardhan was casted to play in Prema Ishq Kaadhal, and Harshvardhan was roped in to play a rock star in the film. Vithika Sheru, who is paired opposite him also donned the hat of a stylist for the film, while Rane worked as the choreographer for the climax song.
The principal photography for the movie has began on April 9, 2013, and the major scenes were shot in a special coffee shop set that has been erected specially for this movie at Nanakramguda.The filming of the movie was expected to end in May 2013.
The producer planned to select 100 city students and record their responses to the film and carry out the changes they suggest. The film was shot in 50 days
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